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Sand Dunes

Workshop List From Last Year

Session 1.


With Ms. Tatiana Von Rheinbaben.

"Meating the Problem, Milking Solutions, & Acting Beyond Our Plates"

Animal agriculture is one of the main causes of deforestation and water pollution and a huge emitter of greenhouse gasses. By switching to a plant based diet a lot of these issues can be dramatically reduced.


And we don't only have to wait for consumer demand change. We can also actively change how we use farmland now through “transfarmations”. 


What are all the things to consider when we are "transfarming"? Who are all the stakeholders involved in such transitions? And how can we apply the concept of "transfarmations" to adapt global food systems given the current crisis in Europe?


Come with an open mind and ready to brainstorm with Tati.

Room: B33

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With Mr. Brian Vergara.

“Simbiosis arte y ecológica”

Cómo definimos el arte y cómo definimos la ecología? Y como todo eso está relacionado con el ciclo circadiano? ¡Señor Vergara va a hablar sobre todo eso y más en su taller! ¡Aquí van a aprender cómo su arte puede fluir y ser conectado al medioambiente! 


Atención: Este taller es en Español. 

Note: This workshop will be held in Spanish.

Room: B34

Session 2.

Ms. Raisa Banfield

With Ms. Raisa Banfield.

"One Planet is Not Enough"

Ms. Banfield’s worksop will be about the planet’s bio-capacity. We talk a lot about climate change and the climate crisis we are passing through, but how many times during our daily activities do we reflect about what we are asking of the earth and how much we are giving back as trash?... Through this process we are generating debris and trash and threatening our very lives. We must change our approach relationship with the planet urgently.

Room: B33

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With Dr. Jefferson Hall.

"Capturing Carbon: As Easy as Planting a Tree"

Dr. Hall will discuss our recent studies on natural forest carbon capture, including the capacity of naturally regenerating secondary forests to sequester carbon. In the workshop you will touch on forest restoration and then discuss how we measure carbon in trees, stands, and forests. Free plantation guides for those participating in person.

Room: B34

Session 3.

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With Ms. Serena Buscarello, and Ms. Grace McGuigan.

"Environmental Activism Past High-School"

Join Serena and Grace of MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative to discuss environmental activism after high school. Sourcing from their personal and professional experiences, this workshop can help students gain insight into how to get involved with environmental initiatives in their communities. It will highlight the vital lessons the two have learned while organizing and working in the environmental field and how they can be applicable to METGREEN’s participants. 

Room: B33

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With Mr. Ernesto Gomez.

"Natural history of Agriculture through the fungus-growing ants system "

How many species in the animal kingdom evolved the capacity to grow their own food, to do agriculture? Humans have been performing agriculture for about 10,000 years. This weird evolutionary feature is a milestone that has allowed us to build our current civilization. There are ants that cut and carry leaves, organic material, making highways through the tropical rainforest, through the gardens of families, schools, in the cities, but why?. About 60 millions years ago, the fungus-growing ants, better known in Panama as "arrieras", were already domesticating fungus as their main food source using the leaves and organic material they cut. These ants are special, they are not hunter-gatherers, they are an eusocial organism capable of facing the same challenges that humans face by performing an agricultural lifestyle. We have a lot to learn and discover about these ants.

Room: B34

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